Kuripe ajustable haut de gamme avec géométrie sacrée


In collaboration with the artist Thalles de Aguiar, Sacred Connection adds to our collection of artisanal applicators a new series of Articulated Wooden Kuripes, adorned with gorgejous designs. A perfect option for those who seek a unique journey!

The articulated nature of these Kuripes offers safe and effective self-application of medicinal Rapé, being the perfect adaptable tool for all. Made from hardwood, these pieces present high durability and a smooth finish.

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The connection between Medicine and Art

Part of the culture of the indigenous communities that reside in the Amazon Forest, the Kuripe pipes are tools that promote direct connection to the world of natural and sacred medicine, being frequently used even during daily rituals to connect oneself with the spirits of different rapés, by different communities, as part of age-old traditions.

These applicators come in the shape of a “V”, making these applicators perfect for individual and personalized use. And, since each connoisseur of shamanic medicinal practices makes use of this tool in a unique way, it’s understandable that demands for personalized kuripes are common, as it is the case with applicators made from high quality source materials and that mirror the individuality of each user.

As each plant chosen to be incorporated into the recipe of a certain Rapé, for example, offers different properties and harmonizes with every other ingredient, the material and visual aspects of applicators used in the rituals that revolve around the use of this special medicine are worthy of the same level of attention and care during their making.

Keeping such ideals in mind, Sacred Connection establishes partnerships with dedicated, experienced, and knowledgeable artisans that possess the know-how to establish a link between practitioners and the universe of elevation through the blessings of Mother Nature. Our partners understand the creation of these beautiful kuripes for the true art that is a central part of their production.

From the selection of proper source materials for medicinal rituals, to the creation of designs that incorporate cultural and spiritual aspects, from the hands of these artsists, only the best applicators are offered to our clients.


The Sacred Geometry of Thalles, the artisan

Thalles de Aguiar is one of our partners, a friend and collaborator that adds the mastery of his marquestry works and knowledge of ritualistic customs to Sacred Connection’s assembly. 

His hometown was once part of the Brazilian Southeastern region’s pioneer movement of welcoming the expansion of the Santo Daime doctrine, a religion that, even nowadays, is a central point in Thalles’ life. At 13 years of age, he took his first step into the sacred pathways, consecrating Ayahuasca along with friends and, two years later, tried medicinal Rapé for the first time during a break from religious sessions.

Thalles himself describes his experience with this medicine as a “great spiritual journey,” even if, for a moment at the very beginning, he might’ve felt a bit sick. Still, he recollects:

“I wasn’t used to this sort of “strength. Right after the journey, I began to understand the power of the medicine and how it works with the cleaning and steadying of human beings.”

Around the same time he first tried Ayahuasca, Thalles also started to nurture an interest for the crafting of wooden objects, starting with guitars. Ever since the, he’s been practicing his skills, perfecting his techniques, and creating artisanal pieces of quality and functionality equal to the beauty of the designs incorporated.

Articulated Wooden Kuripes

The creative process of the artisan Thalles takes into consideration elements of Nature, of sacred geometry, or spiritual imagery, and of marquestry techniques.

For this collection of Kuripes offered in partnership with Sacred Connection, figures and designs that reflect these inspirations enhance the applicators with the contrast of beautiful colors and the harmony of intricate shapes.

Each design represents a different concept, ranging from the infinite and mighty energy of the cosmos to the figure that represents sacred medicine, the Shaman.

In addition, all models are made from top-notch source materials, such as resistant hardwood that offers high durability, extracted responsibly. The very shape of these tools allows for the articulation of both ends of the Kuripe, which makes for the perfect fitting to any and every user.

For tips on how to use your Kuripe, check out our step-by-step tutorial below!


How to use your Kuripe

  1. Trouvez un endroit sacré pour vous, un endroit rempli de spiritualité et de flux énergétique qui vous permet de vous concentrer et d'élargir vos intentions.
  2. Prenez le temps de vous ancrer. Pensez à ce que vous attendez, à ce pour quoi vous avez besoin d'être guidé, à ce qui a besoin d'être guéri.
  3. Mesurez la quantité de tabac à priser souhaitée (une quantité de la taille d'un petit pois devrait suffire dans la plupart des cas). Vous pouvez chanter des prières ou des hymnes si vous le souhaitez.
  4. Verser le mélange dans le nez de votre kuripe puis tapotez soigneusement le sommet en V incurvé sur une surface dure pour éliminer les poches d'air ou les morceaux de rapé coincés.
  5. Placez l'embout dans votre bouche et positionnez soigneusement l'autre extrémité dans une narine. Penchez-vous en avant et n'oubliez pas de fermer les yeux.
  6. Donnez un coup sec sur le tuyau et prenez le temps de vivre l'instant présent et de ressentir la force et le pouvoir du Rapé sacré.
  7. Essayez de "retenir" le rapé pendant quelques instants avant de le souffler à nouveau de l'autre côté.
  8. Gardez à l'esprit que les deux côtés/nostrils doivent recevoir ce médicament pour atteindre l'équilibre - la peur et le rejet d'une partie du rituel peuvent être considérés comme un rejet de l'esprit du Rapé.
  9. Rappelez-vous que ce rituel est un rituel de purification ; expulsez tous les fluides qui commencent à couler de votre corps, car ils peuvent être des manifestations physiques de problèmes spirituels dont vous devez vous débarrasser pour guérir.

Découvrir d'autres formes de guérison naturelle

À Sacred Connection nous croyons en notre mission qui consiste à présenter à nos clients des morceaux et des leçons de connaissances sacrées ancestrales partagées avec nous par nos partenaires des communautés indigènes à travers le monde. Nous croyons que le pouvoir de la Terre Mère doit être profondément respecté, afin qu'elle puisse nous aider à grandir et à guérir d'une manière organique et naturelle, bénéfique pour nous et pour la planète.

Tous nos produits thérapeutiques et artisanaux proviennent de sources éthiques et sont faits à la main. Le bénéfice des ventes permet à plusieurs villages de maintenir leur durabilité et leurs productions locales, et parfois même de contribuer au processus de reforestation dans certaines régions.

Rejoignez-nous pour explorer l'expertise chamanique, la beauté de l'artisanat indigène, la guérison de la forêt et le pouvoir d'unir nos cultures !

Informations complémentaires

Model: No selection

Cosmos, Cubic, Kenê, Honeycomb, Pajé