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“We the Shawãdawa live around the upper Juruá River on four demarcated tribal lands. Today, the main purpose of the Shawã people is to protect our lands, our forest, where all our natural medicines and culture are present. The teachings of our ancestors and the use of our sacred medicines brings us this study of healing and our ancestral teachings Shawã means Macaw and Dawa means family, so we are the Macaw Family. Apart from the shamanic medicines like Rapé and Ayahuasca we work with many different medicines from the forest.”

$14.00 - $90.00

Rapé, Heiliger Schnupftabak

Shawãdawa Rapé - Putuvi

$14.00 - $90.00

Rapé, Heiliger Schnupftabak

Shawãdawa Rapé - Rupusuti

$14.00 - $90.00

Rapé, Heiliger Schnupftabak

Shawãdawa Rapé - Spirituell

$14.00 - $90.00

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