Schamanischer Schnupftabak - Haux Haux

$12.00 - $77.00

Haux Haux is a recipe we learned from a Txai from the Huni Kuin.

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Schamanischer Schnupftabak - Haux Haux

Haux Haux is a special recipe taught by a Txai (brother) from the Huni Kuin tribe from Brazil. Made with a mixture of organic Moi and Sabiá tobaccos and Tsunu ashes. It contains local herbs such as clove vine (Tynanthus elegans), yunu and a vine called heart of the boa for its heart shaped leaves.

According to tradition heart of the boa is a plant that acts on the heart chakra and also beneficial physically for the heart. It is goes by the name Veia de Pajé which means Shamans Vein. This indicates it is a plant used by Shamans in their medicines and prayers.

Clove vine or Cipo Cravo is a natural analgesic and stimulant. In Brazil in the Umbanda mediumship they use it for cleaning the subtle bodies. They prepare it in herbal baths. It also makes a nice tea and it has a culinary use.

Haux Haux

Haux, a sacred word, is intoned for the beginning and end of prayers or healing rituals by the Shamans. According to Huni Kuin or Kaxinawa cosmology Haux was the first sound Yuxibu emits when creating. Yuxibu is the mythical boa constrictor and creator of their people. Yuxibu taught medicine and spirituality to the people. Popularized by lovers of indigenous culture, nowadays they frequently use it, but it is a word of power, usually confused with greeting. Traditionally its use was limited to rituals, prayer and healing works. Some of the elders don’t agree with the popularization, saying it is a very serious invocation or vow. When the medicine man intones Haux at the beginning of a healing or prayer he vows to work from that moment as a channel for the higher powers.


Txai is a word from the Pano linguistic indigenous universe of South America. They commonly use it as a form of greeting to show affection and respect. The word’s origin comes from the pano linguistic root of the Hatxa Kuin language, spoken by the Huni Kuin (Kaxinawá) tribe. In their culture, the original meaning of Txai is the mutual recognition of oneself in the other. The use of the word has expanded to represent a true spirit of alliance between indigenous peoples and western friends.

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Weight: No selection

10gr., 20gr., 50gr., 250gr., 500gr., 0,17oz (5gr.), 0,35oz (10gr.), 0,70oz (20gr.), 1,7oz(50gr.)


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