They live scattered along the banks of the Purus river, the Apurinã share a rich cosmological and ritual complex. The language is of the Aruak root, Read More...
Apurinã Rapé
What is apurinã rapé and where does it come from?
The Apurinã snuff's differentials
The Awiry tobacco used by the Apurinã people is not fermented or heated; instead, it is allowed to dry naturally while retaining its green color. Once dried, the Awiry is ground up without being mixed with ashes, resulting in a raw and potent form of Rapé.
Unlike most Indigenous Rapés, which are blown using a Kuripe or a Tepi, the Apurinã Awiry is inhaled through a tube. This method is also used by some tribes that use Yopo, where they take some of the powder in their hand and sniff it through a bone or a wild bamboo tube. Naturally a Kuripe or Tepi can also be used.
Take a look at others sacred snuffs!
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