Schamanischer Schnupftabak - Tsunu Extra

$12.00 - $77.00

Sacred Connection Tsunu Extra is our Tsunu power blend.

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Schamanischer Schnupftabak - Tsunu Extra

Sacred Connection Tsunu Extra is our power blend. A Rapé made with Tsunu ashes and extra strong Sabiá tobacco. This deep black corda (rope) tobacco comes from the town of Arapiraca in the Northeast of Brazil.. At the moment it is the favorite of the top tribal Rapé crafters from the forest. Sabia comes in rope form on rolls and they grow and ferment it naturally. All top quality ingredients. We filter our Snuffs with a 100 micron sieve to guarantee the finest Rapé possible and avoid clogging your respiratory tract.

Tsunu Rapé Snuff

The Tsunu ashes we use come from the Yawanawa tribe. They live in the Gregorio river tribal lands in the municipality of Tarauaca. The ashes are burned in an artisanal style from sustainably sourced wood.

It is a basic Tsunu recipe that the Yawanawa make, probably an all-time favorite, especially compared to other types of Rapé with many ingredients. Simple and effective, the Tsunu recipe is simply high quality tobacco and the ashes. We have three varieties with different types of tobacco: native moi, medium strength Arapiraca, and the powerful Sabiá for those who like it really strong.

Tsunu ashes

There are some differing opinions about what tree is used for burning original tsunu ashes. Some people say it is Pau Pereira (Platycyamus regnellii). In the region there are different types. There is a variety that makes a very white ash, another a more grey reddish one. The original gives a beautiful cream coloured ash.

For the Yawanawa there is only one type, the original. In other regions and communities they use other botanical species like the Pau Pereira. For the Yawanawa it is one of their most sacred trees and it is a symbol of strength and force.

Mehr über Rapé...

Verwenden Sie es mit Respekt und Vorsicht; es ist ein Tabakprodukt und kann zur Gewohnheit werden!

Zusätzliche Informationen

Weight: No selection

10gr., 20gr., 50gr., 250gr., 500gr., 0,17oz (5gr.), 0,35oz (10gr.), 0,70oz (20gr.), 1,7oz(50gr.)

3 reviews for Shamanic Snuff – Tsunu Extra

  1. Patrick Fontenello (verifizierter Eigentümer) -

    Good medicine! Very smooth on the olfactory.

  2. Daniel Kucinski (verifizierter Eigentümer) -

    Great Rapé

    Thank you

  3. Brandon Clester (verifizierter Eigentümer) -

    Very strong and grounding. Brings me right back to center. Exactly what I was looking for. Be warned, it’s strong.

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