
Huni Kuin Kit – 10 x 0,17oz (5g)

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An Amazonian Legion of Healing

If you venture through the paths of the Amazon Forest, not only will you find an impressive and mesmerizing variety of trees, herbs, and flowers that greet the eyes with beauty and majesty, but you will also learn from the wise and generous people that reside there all the ways these sacred plants may help heal the body, broaden the mind, and enlighten the spirit.

Among the indigenous communities that have shared with Sacred Connection their heritage and knowledge, the Huni Kuin have also extended the potency of their Shamanic Snuffs and their recipes to us. Through this partnership and mutual trust, we are able to offer the amazing healing of Huni Kuin Rapés to the world and all the appreciators and practitioners of natural medicine within it.

And now we present an exclusive opportunity for our customers to enjoy the many benefits of a collection of medicinal plants harvested from the Amazon Basin. Sacred Connection’s Huni Kuin Rapé Kit presents the combined power of 10 of our most prized and cherished Shamanic Snuff blends crafted according to Kaxinawá traditions.

In this kit, you’ll find…

Xipão Rapé

Exclusive to Huni Kuin Rapé traditions, Xipão is the popular name given to a herb that exudes a pleasant scent and only grows on plam trees across Amazonian grounds. It is a rare plant, often used in the treatment of fevers and against the common flu.

Due to its medicinal properties, it can also offer benefits for people who suffer from respiratory problems and even axiety, helping to soothe the nerves.

Ashes of Theobroma cacao also go into this blend, adding the benefits of this local plant such as flavonoids, which can help lower blood pressure and prevent diabetes, and antioxidants like potassium, that help reduce the risk of heart diseases.

This Rapé was created by Chief Siã, of the Kaxinawá group residing in the Jordão region. Our partnership with his family and village goes beyond the sales of shamanic snuffs, as they also offer other natural therapeutics, such as Sangre de Drago (Dragon’s Blood).

Xacapandaré Rapé

A lighter option, this blend carries lower rates of Sabiá tobacco and is yet another recipe crafted by Chief Siã, whose expertise provides for incredible and unique creations such as this one. It’s made with Tsunu ashes, rich with minerals and a source of uplifting power, that help balance energy while keeping someone grounded.

Xacapandaré, the prime ingredient of this blend, is considered to be a cure-all plant, deeply appreciated and equally hard to come across even for experienced healers and connoisseurs of sacred healing. Sometines, in addition to being a prime Rapé ingredient, it is also used to make tea and achieve mental clarity.

According to their traditions, it can broaden the reach of the mind and ward off evil spirits. Spiritually speaking, it also serves the purpose of expelling negative feelings, offering a new sense of lightness and welcoming room for joy and more positive experiences.

Huni Kuin Tradition Rapé

This Rapé blend truly blends several aspects particular to Kaxinawá Rapé traditions into one. For starters, the use of native tobacco and Paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum), a tree that produces a generous amount of seeds and can grow to be very tall and imposing, with sturdy trunks and vivid shades provided by its flowers. 

Also called the Brazilian Fire Tree, the gum of its bark is commonly used in the making of infusions, syrups, and even paints. Culturally speaking, its fruit has been used as a therapeutic treatment for respiratory and reproductive issues, and its extract can be brewed into medicines for coughing and to deal with symptoms related to contusions and rheumatism.

To add flavor, a collection of herbs is added to the snuff’s formula: Uxi Amarelo, Copaiba, Jatobá, and Cumaru de Cheiro. Uxi can provide anti-inflammatory action to help with infections; Copaiba has antioxidant agents and can stimulate bone formation; Jatobá offers astringent action, keeping the skin young and ridding it of excessive oils.

Cumaru de Cheiro has been used to relieve pain related to or caused by rheumatism and even in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, and general coughing-related issues. In addition, it can offer antimicrobial and antifungal action. Some shamans even state that it can help with spasms and cramps, helping with menstrual flow as well.

Cumaru Rapé

Dipteryx odorata is the scientific name given to the tree known as the tree that is “very true” by the Huni Kuin, as it is a plant that very rarily rottens or cracks. More commonly known as Cumaru, it is the chief ingredient in this shamanic snuff option.

Those responsible for its creation state that it works directly upon the heart chakra with its incredibly pleasant and sweet smell, which is similar to vanilla. It’s almond-like flavor adds deliciousness to the power of this Rapé.

Natural medicines that derive from this tree can be used to help deal with sinus infections, common flu, asthma, and bronchitis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Its seeds, called Tonka, are believed to soothe and heal wounds.

According to Huni Kuin beliefs, Cumaru possesses the wisdom of countless wood enchantments, and is therefore associated with spiritual protection and fending off evil eye.

7 Herbs Rapé

A herbal blend that unites Kaxinawá heritage with the powers and benefits of seven carefully selected, exclusively combined herbs. Rather than following a rigorous recipe over and over again, this blend is crafted based on the synergy of the chosen herbs and their integrated power.

Combined components of each plant promote better health for the respiratory system, alleviating symptoms related to asthma, bronchitis, coughing, and other related issues.

Canela de Velho Rapé

A potent Rapé that was once even selected to be our Rapé of the Month! Made with Canela de Velho (which roughly translates to Old Man’s Cinnamon) and Sabiá tobacco, it works to heal the spirit, strengthen the body, and balance the mind.

Canela de Velho is rich in several compounds that provide anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties. It is frequently appreciated for the soothing effects it can promote for symptoms such as joint pain, swelling, and inflammation. Practitioners of natural healing, including indigenous healers, state that the sensations caused by the use of this sacred medicine are unlike any other plant’s effects.

Due to the fact that components of this plant can help protect cells from damage of free radicals, the additional benefits of Canela de Velho include, but are not limited to the prevention of diabetes and postponing skin aging and even certain types of cancer.

Sabiá Tobacco is the name given to a variation of natural tobacco that is frequently produced in thich rope-like shapes and popularly used in indigenous recipes of traditional medicine. Rapé blends made with this tobacco option are considered to be very strong, even by experienced Rapé consumers.

These snuffs are used during healing ceremonies and sacred rituals, since shamanic culture states that it can offer great curative power both for the body and for the spirit.

Cacau Rapé

A potent and tasteful blend of shamanic medicine, this Rapé blend’s most prominent ingredient comes from the burnt ashes of the Theobroma cacao tree, popularly known simply as Cacau in Portuguese, a word that derives from the Greek concept of being a “food of the gods.”

Sacred Medicine’s partnership with Huni Kuin traditions offers a source of physical strength and harmonizing spiritual energy through our Cacau Rapé, with boosted power by combining two kinds of tobacco present in the Amazon rainforest: Sabiá tobacco and Mói tobacco.

While cacao can work as a diuretic, heart stimulant, antioxidant, soothing tonic that can even help with bad cholesterol and inflammatory issues, the Sabiá tobacco variation is known across native south-american culture to strengthen the spirit and broaden the reach of the mind, while the Mói tobacco, harvested from the heart of the forest, offers the protection and balance of ancient spiritual guides that work to purify and heal.

Emburana Rapé

Dipteryx odorata is an aromatic tree native to the forest grounds of Brazil, popularly known as Emburana or Cumarú de Cheiro, which can be roughly translated to “Scented Teak.” Its seeds, fruits, flowers, and bark are pleasantly scented due to a substance this plant produces, called cumarina

Its seeds, also referred to as tonka beans, are especially rich in this substance, and are often used in the production of aromatics for both culinary consumption, by the beauty industry, and by natural medicine practitioners, who’ve been making use of this plant for many years now.

Among its therapeutic uses, we can consider relief of pain related or caused by dental issues and rheumatism, primarily due to its anti-inflammatory properties. That means it is also sometimes used in cases of bronchitis, asthma, and general coughing-related issues, as it can promote bronchodilating effects.

Emburana is also a natural source of antispasmodic, antifungal, antimicrobial, and can be a tonic for the heart while also working as an emmenagogue. Some shamans use this plant in rituals of healing to treat symptoms related to menstrual cycles, such as spasms and cramps.

Huni Kuin Floresta Rapé

Created by our Rapé maker friend, Baimuka, this snuff blend is, really, a blend. For starters, it’s made with two different kinds of tobacco: Sabiá and Mói. Mói tobacco is used primarily as means to connect with spiritual guides and as a facilitator to welcome these spirits’ protection and blessings, making for a more balanced energetic field, which in its turn can help with receiving the natural healing and purification medicines from the forest may offer.

Meanwhile, Sabiá tobacco is a very potent variation of the good old Nicotiana rustica, sometimes also referred to as rope tobacco, as it comes shaped like a cylinder of entwined vines. This process isn’t naturally occurring, but a product of harvesting, drying, and fermentation of Sabiá tobacco leaves, before the cylinders of tobacco rope can be handmade during the production process.

According to shamanic culture, this plant can offer great healing powers for both the spirit and the physical body, and are therefore often used in sacred ceremonies and indigenous rituals of healing.

In addition, our Huni Kuin Floresta Rapé is made with Caneleiro ashes, clove vines, lourinho, pixuri, Veia de Pajé, and a combination of sacred herbs. This means that this Rapé is rich with anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, antioxidant, and analgesic components. It can help induce visions and widen the reach of the mind during ritualistic ceremonies, working directly upon the heart chakra to ward off negative energies and spiritual tormenting.

Murici Rapé

Rapés made using Byrsonima crassifolia plant parts are quite common amongst Huni Kuin and Kaxinawá culture. Murici trees spread shade all across the Brazilian territory, and its fruits are deeply appreciated by local culture, who make use of it in their culinary and medicinal customs. The word murici means “small tree” and originates itself in the Tupi culture.

This plant is rich in fibers, calcium, phosphor, iron, and vitamins such as B1, B2, C, and niacin, in addition to offering antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antifebrifuge (reducing fever) action. In Shamanic culture, this medicinal plant is used to boost energy and prevent illnesses and torment both phyisically and spiritually.

It’s associated with the joy of bringing together friends and celebrating the good times with them, which activates the heart chakra and promotes a sense of positive balance and satisfaction. 

The Culture of the Huni Kuin

The Huni Kuin are considered to be the largest indigenous group to reside in the state of Acre, in northern Brazil, spread across over a dozen indigenous lands, including the Alto Rio Purus and the Igarapé do Caucho. Their name means “true people”, and their culture is rich with ceremonies, traditions, and, of course, organic medicine deriving from the plants available to them from the Amazon Forest. 

Shamanism is also a very present aspect of their daily lives. In addition to the customary passing of Rapé, the consumption of Ayahuasca is a common practice, not restricted to elders or healers, which offers an opportunity for most adult and some teenage men to become “a little bit of a Shaman” themselves by experiencing the spiritual journey and physical healing of this medicine.

Click here to learn more about them and find other Huni Kuin medicine options for your collection!

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Sacred Connection offers easy and secure online shopping for traditional medicines sourced directly from Amazonian communities. Our own housebrand products are ethically and sustainably sourced, and produced under direct supervision with standardized recipes. We offer excellent customer service and fast, secure shipping.

Sacred Connection’s product range includes sacred snuffs, Sananga eye drops, and more. We believe in making transformative medicines accessible to everyone at an unbeatable price. 

Shop with us for authentic and powerful products that have been used for centuries in traditional Amazonian cultures, and experience spiritual, physical, and emotional healing.