More about Huni Kuin Xacapandaré Rapé
Huni Kuin Xacapandaré is a special gentle recipe with less tobacco than most rapé blends, that was discovered by the very respected chief Siã Huni Kuin from the Jordão region, one of the main indigenous leaders from Acre state.
Xacapandaré is a very rare and hard to find herb from their tradition. The makers say this medicine cures all diseases.

The herb benefits the respiratory system and according to traditional knowledge helps support memory and strengthens the mind. It is a medicine made carefully to have the correct balance between the different ingredients. The leaves are burned as incense, to cleanse spaces. The Huni Kuin also use the leaves in baths to cleanse the body and aura of the person.
They allso use Xacapandaré to make tea.
The rapé is made with tsunu ashes and only a very small quantity of high-quality sabiá tobacco and as such a good solution for those who want to take it easy on the tobacco.
Xacapandaré in their words:
“Used in Rapé this herb helps to open the mind, take away bad feelings, expel evil spirits and also opens the respiratory system.”
Cacique Siã Huni Kuin
In the thick Amazon rain forests of the Brazilian state of Acre there are many tribes. Even today there are still tribes that haven’t made contact. They hunt with bow and arrow hidden away in their ancient habitat living in the stone age.

There are around 13 contacted tribes in Acre. The Huni Kuin or Kaxinawá are the biggest, with close to 15,000 members. They live in four regions of the state: Humaita, Breu, Tarauacá and Jordão. Jordão, where our attention will go, is days into the forest. Either you fly in a small plane, or travel close to a week by boat going upriver. It is a beautiful region where the indigenous people live deep in the forest in their aldeias, or villages.
Many years ago
Many years ago a few Huni Kuin from the region came out of the forest bringing their culture and spirituality to the world. It was Sueiro Sales Bane and his son, still young, Siã Sales. Siã is now probably the most respected chief of the Huni Kuin. Sueiro was a pajé or medicine man of the old school, nowadays hard to come by. He was a political and spiritual leader of his people.
Sueiro was a man of vast knowledge of the medicines and mysteries of the forest and well respected for his leadership. They were among the very first to take their Nixipã (ayahuasca) and rapé to the outside world.
Siã was still young when he started to travel with his father. He used to register many things on video and even filmed the famous rubber tapper and one of the first environmentalists Chico Mendes. Siã still travels around the world to spread the knowledge of his people, the healing power of their medicines, to defend his beloved forest and the rights of his people.
Sacred Connection feels proud working together with Cheif Siã and his people bringing you the medicines of his tribe.
More about Rapé…
Use with respect and care; it is a tobacco product and can be habit forming!
Fanny Wuyts (verified owner) –
This is one of the most amazing rapé i ever tried. It’s absolutely magical, and feels very deep. It’s also the absolute favourite of so many people I shared it with.
Thank you so much. (verified owner) –
It’s a Awesome snuff that gives insight inwards, and a great Nic hit to accomplish it, The flavor is very earthy, with a natural slight sweet undertones. To complete a overall goodness. I’m very grateful to have got to enjoy it.
Sacred Connection Team –
Sacred Connection thanks you for your feedback! It means the world to us.
David Diaz –
I had a wonderful experience with this Rapé, I felt very light and much more in the present moment. I can’t find the words to describe it! I am grateful to have had it in my path.
Sacred Connection Team –
Sacred Connection thanks you for your feedback! It means the world to us.