Nukini Rapé – Fresh (Eucalyptus)


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The Freshness of a new Rapé – Nukini Rapé – Fresh

Along with our Nukini brothers, Sacred Connection brings you a brand new Shamanic Snuff made according to the medicinal traditions of this rich and diverse community, with ingredients coming straight from the Amazon Basin and all the power of shamanic healing!

To end the year on a high note, our new Nukini Fresh Rapé was elected our Rapé of the Month for December, made with artisanal rope tobacco and eucalyptus. This plant, in addition to being famed for its pleasant and well-known scent, adds descongestive and expectorant action into this blend. Simply allow the Nukini Fresh Rapé to enter your body and feel all its freshness bring an immediate sense of soothing by expanding your nasal passageways.

What goes into this Rapé?


According to aromatherapy principles and shamanic beliefs of indigenous Pajés and curandeiros (healers), eucalyptus is capable of promoting comfort and enhanced well-being to the body, the mind, and the spirit. The use of this plant is ideal to purify the atmosphere, in rituals that promote relaxation, for example, and it can also offer great benefits for reinvigorating baths.

In addition, its leaves are rich in anti-septic and antimicrobial compounds, helping in the process of healthier healing and scars, as well as in warding off buccal and throat problems, and wounds and infections caused by funghi, bacteria, viruses, and even acne. Eucalyptus also possesses analgesic properties that can soothe headaches, muscle aching, and even rheumatism related pain.

Although it’s not the sort of ingredient easily found in the region close to where the Nukini reside, eucalyptus has been widely incorporated into medicinal recipes of indigenous communities due to its properties and the fact that it goes perfectly well with other ingredients they traditionally make use of.

Rope tobacco

Rope tobacco is a very powerful ingredient, and shamanic snuffs that carry this Nicotiana rustica variation in their formula are considered to be highly potent, often used in sacred ceremonies and indigenous rituals of healing. According to shamanic culture, this plant can offer great healing powers for both the spirit and the physical body.

Even though some people refer to it as Sabiá Tobacco (Thrust Tobacco), this wild species is most commonly known as Rope Tobacco precisely due to a process that sees its leaves harvested and left to dry and ferment before being molded into ropes that will be twisted and combined to form fresh cilinders that may weigh up to 10kg (around 22lbs).

These cylinders will then ripen until they become suitable for the production of sacred, traditional medicines, especially those used in healing ceremonies and rituals.

The Power of Rapé

The Power of Rapé

Using Rapé is a most sacred practice. It has been a part of countless native peoples’ customs all across the Amazon Forest, carrying much more importance and cultural weight than a simple solution to physical ailments, like taking an aspirin to alleviate a strong headache.

It is a ritual, a ceremony, whether it’s done on a daily basis before work, to prepare oneself for hunting or a mundane journey, or even as means to connect with one another and ancestors and spirits.

To use Rapé is to understand its importance, its historical significance, and its place in indigenous culture. It requires time and dedication to the process, respect for its origins and its benefits, and understanding how we can benefit from it.Work on your own Rapé ritual

  1. Find a place that is sacred to you, somewhere filled with spirituality and energetic flow and that allows you to focus and expand your intentions.
  2. Take the time to ground yourself. Think of what you expect to achieve, of what you need guidance for, of what needs healing.
  3. Measure the desired amount of snuff (a pea-sized amount should be enough for most cases). You may chant any prayers or hymns if you want.
  4. Scoop the blend into the nose-end of your kuripe applicator, then carefully tap the curved V-peak on a hard surface to eliminate any air pockets or bits of stuck rapé.
  5. Place the mouth-end into your mouth and carefully position the other end into one nostril. Lean forward and remember to close your eyes.
  6. Give the pipe a hard blow and take a moment to experience the moment and feel the strength and power of sacred Rapé.
  7. Try and “hold in” the rapé for a few instants before blowing it out again into the other side.
  8. Keep in mind that both sides/nostrils should receive this medicine to achieve balance – fear and rejection of part of the ritual might be considered as rejecting the spirit of the Rapé.
  9. Remember that this ritual is one of cleansing; expel any fluids that may start dripping from your body, as they can be physical manifestations of spiritual issues you need to let go of in order to heal.

Check out our handcrafted Rapé applicators and enhance your healing experience!

Who are the Nukini?

The Nukini people, who reside in the region that extends from the Juruá Valley (Vale do Juruá) to the Môa Mountain Range (Serra do Môa), are self-denominated as the Jaguar People (Povo da Onça). Present across the northern Brazilian state of Acre, they are divided into four smaller clans: the Inubakevu (Spotted Jaguar People/Povo da Onça Pintada), the Panabakevu (Açaí People/Povo do Açaí), the Itsãbakevu (Patois People/Povo do Patoá) and the Shãnumbakevu (Snake Peopke/Povo da Cobra). 

Part of the Pano linguistic group, they actively promote and participate in movements to strengthen their traditions, reclaiming and passing down to younger generations all the richness and importance of their customs and history that were once lost to and stolen. This renewal and spreading of old traditions mainly happens through the teaching of craftsmanship techniques and recipes of sacred medicine, as well as the enrichment and appreciation for their spirituality.

Discover other kinds of natural healing

At Sacred Connection we believe in our mission of presenting our clients with bits and lessons of ancestral sacred knowledge shared with us by our partners of native communities across the globe. We believe that the power of Mother Earth should be deeply respected, so it can help us grow and heal in an organic and natural way that’s beneficial to us and to the planet.

All our therapeutic and artisanal products are ethically sourced and handmade, and from the profit of the sales arises the opportunity for several villages to keep their sustainability and local productions going, sometimes even helping in the process of reforestation in some areas.

Join us in exploring the shamanic expertise, the beauty of indigenous handicraft, the elevating healing of the Forest, and the power of uniting our cultures!

Additional information

Weight: No selection

10gr., 20gr., 50gr., 250gr., 500gr., 0,17oz (5gr.), 0,35oz (10gr.), 0,70oz (20gr.), 1,7oz(50gr.)


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