Buy Snuff | Rapé Sacred Connection | Tribal Snuff

buy rapé snuff

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Rapé, Sananga, Tepis, Kuripes,
Yawanawá Bracelets and more…

“Buy Snuff from Sacred Connection and experience the fine quality of our products. Rapé or Tribal Snuff is a shamanic tool used by Amazonian indigenous tribes. Sacred Snuff is used to purify an individual’s body and mind.




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We changed our packaging and included new sizes and products.

With your support our company has been steadily growing for the past few years. Beacuse we want to continue supporting our partners in the Amazon and provide you with the best products that we can we have decided to get our platform and products fully licensed and for this reason we had to adapt our packaging to FDA and ATF regulations.

For more than ten years we have been working with Sacred Snuff from the tribes in the Brazilian Amazon and we consider it a shamanic medicine, this doesn’t mean that it cannot be used in a way that it is habit forming and that it has to be taken with care and caution in a responsible fashion.






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Sacred Connection is proudly presenting its own line of Shamanic Snuffs! Produced according to the highest standards of quality and under direct supervision from our partners from the Amazon.

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A new selection of Huni Kuin snuffs brought to you directly from the depths of the Amazon forest.

The first one is Xipão with Cacao, a wonderful blend that opens the heart.

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The Connection of the indigenous people with nature is Sacred, their Connection with their medicines is Sacred. Their medicines are Sacred and help us establish a Connection with the Sacred universe we live in. Our Connection to each other is Sacred forming this worldwide network of likeminded souls searching this eternal Connection to the Sacred.

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