The Advantages of Bone Kuripes
The most common source material option for the crafting of Kuripes is certain kinds of wood, such as bamboo or hollowed hardwood. Still, models made using other mediums such as metal or resin can still be found across different cultures and atop shelves of Rapé users.
Some of those who’ve been in touch with the organic side of healing for a while and understand the power of connecting oneself with the spirits of Rapé inevitably feel a certain pull towards Kuripe pipes made of animal bone or horn. Certain models are even considered “premium”, as the very material used in its creation requires more delicate and careful work, while also promising increased durability.
In addition, shamanic traditions and indigenous culture state that, when making use of a certain animal’s bone to delve into the healing powers of sacred herbs, the user can experience an energetic bond with that animal’s spirit and power, as if they are being guided and guarded by them.