In the midst of great resistance to the first Peruvian rubber boom the Nukini of Brazil settled in the region that includes the Juruá Valley and Serra do Môa.

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Rapé, Sacred Snuff

Nukini Rapé – 7 Stars

$14.00 - $90.00 $11.90 - $90.00

Rapé, Sacred Snuff

Nukini Rapé – Aura Cleanse

$14.00 - $90.00 $11.90 - $90.00

Rapé, Sacred Snuff

Nukini Rapé – Elixir

$14.00 - $90.00 $11.90 - $90.00

Rapé, Sacred Snuff

Nukini Rapé – Forest Breeze

$14.00 - $90.00 $11.90 - $90.00
$14.00 - $90.00 $11.90 - $90.00

Rapé, Sacred Snuff

Nukini Rapé – Mulata

$14.00 - $90.00 $11.90 - $90.00

Rapé, Sacred Snuff

Nukini Rapé – Onça

$14.00 - $90.00 $11.90 - $90.00

Rapé, Sacred Snuff

Nukini Rapé – Piri Piri

$14.00 - $90.00 $11.90 - $90.00

Rapé, Sacred Snuff

Nukini Rapé – Pitaica

$14.00 - $90.00 $11.90 - $90.00

Nukini Rapé as their sacred medicine

Nukini Rapé is one of the sacred medicines most used by the Nukini people. They live close to the Peruvian border deep into the Brazilian Amazon. Their powdered tobacco is mixed with specially selected plants from their tradition and only available in the depts of the forest. The ash they burn from special barks and woods. The Nukini Snuff preparation is a highly ritualized process done by both man and women of the tribe.

The Nukini use their Rapé in shamanic ceremonies and for healing their physical or emotional ailments. Effects can vary, including increased focus or spiritual awareness, and physical sensations. It is an important part of Nukini culture and spiritual practices.

Nukini rapé is believed to be a powerful tool for personal and collective transformation working on different chakras depending on the ingredients used.

The Nukini people consider Nukini rapé to be a way to connect with the spiritual realm. It is also used for protection, both physical and spiritual. The use of rapé is often accompanied by chanting and prayer. The specific blend of plant materials used in the preparation can affect the overall experience of the medicine. Nukini rapé has gained popularity outside of the Nukini community, and is now used by people in other parts of the world for its reported benefits.

Nukini Rapé effects

Nukini rapé is believed to offer physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. It may increase focus, release emotions, and provide antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The Nukini people use rapé in shamanic ceremonies and believe it to be a powerful tool for personal and collective transformation. It is also believed to offer protection, both physical and spiritual. Nukini rapé gained popularity outside of the Nukini community and is used globally. It should be used with caution and under the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Rapé's benefits are largely anecdotal, and more research is needed to understand its potential effects.

Nonetheless, Nukini rapé continues to be an important part of the Nukini culture and spiritual practices.

Take a look at others sacred snuffs!

Take a look at others sacred snuffs!


Refers to a group of people who originated in South America during the post-colonization period. This population emerged as a result of a syncretic relationship that brought together Indigenous, European, and African cultures. The fusion of these cultures led to the birth of new flavors and insights, resulting in a distinctive encounter with the elements. See more...


The Kuntanawa, also known as the People of the Palm Fruit or the People of the Stars, are an indigenous group residing in the State of Acre's Alto Juruá Indigenous Reserve. With an estimated population of 400 individuals, they inhabit the Kuntamanã and 7 Stars villages. See more...


The Apurinã tribe of Brazil utilizes Awiry Rapé, a traditional snuff, for both spiritual and medicinal intentions. See more...

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